Pender Community Hospital District (PCHD) understands that as an organization, we are nothing without the help of our community. In fact, as history indicates, the hospital construction of 1954 wouldn’t have been possible without the generosity and support of more than 1,200 people throughout Pender and the surrounding areas.
That generosity and support shown in the past is now carried on by the work of the Pender Community Health Care Foundation and the Pender Community Hospital Auxiliary.
Health Care Foundation
In 1991, the Pender Community Health Care Foundation was formed with one purpose. That purpose was to encourage people, businesses, groups and other organizations within the community to give back to the hospital and residents of the PCHD through charitable donations. The foundation accepts, administers, and distributes these donations to different PCHD initiatives.
Recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a tax-exempt organization under Section 170, c, (2) (B) of the Internal Revenue Code, charitable donations and other contributions to the foundation are tax-deductible subject to the limits of the individual taxpayer.
The Foundation is governed by a 12-person Board of Directors with three ex-officio positions comprised of the Board District Chair, Hospital Administrator and Hospital Medical Director. The other nine members are nominated and appointed by the board itself, serving three-year staggered terms. The Foundation board meets on the last Monday, every other month. To request board meeting minutes, contact us at 402-385-3083 or
Current board members include:
- Bill Bachman, Chairman
- Sydney Kruse, Vice-Chairman
- Rita Brehmer, Secretary/Treasurer
- Beckie Gutzmann
- Michele Kent
- Pam Petersen
- Lynette Roth
- Mary Smith
- Margaret Westerhold
Noteworthy Fundraising
Since 1991, the Foundation has played an integral role in raising funds for PCHD initiatives. Some of its noteworthy fundraising activities include:
- 1996 and 1997
The Foundation facilitated the Capital Campaign for the construction of an Outpatient Specialty Clinic. They raised over $1.1 million in pledges that enabled the hospital to complete the project. - 2001
The Foundation was involved with the Pender Medical Clinic expansion project to create room for four physicians and two physician assistants to work at the clinic. This project cost approximately $1.35 million and was funded by direct and guaranteed loans through the USDA Rural Development program and a grant of $120,000 from the Louis and Abby Faye Dinklage Foundation. - 2018
The Foundation assisted in coordinating the construction of the new Pender Medical Clinic & Apothecary Shop, connected to the Pender Community Hospital. These new facilities keep in the mission providing a continuum of exceptional healthcare services, providing convenient medical care—highlighted by digital x-ray capabilities—in addition to a full retail pharmacy staffed by caring, professional employees.
- 2019
The Foundation was an integral part in the coordination of the new facilities for the Emerson Medical Clinic & Apothecary. After the Emerson Senior Center was donated to the Foundation, they worked with the city of Emerson to trade the Senior Center for a larger section of land on Main Street. Once the trade was complete, construction began on the new clinic and apothecary that’s now open to serve the community. - 2023
The Foundation established an endowment through a partnership with Nebraska Community Foundation, a statewide nonprofit organization that serves more than 265 Greater Nebraska communities across the state.
The Pender Community Hospital Auxiliary was founded in 1955 with the goal of providing service to the Hospital District.
Currently, the PCH Auxiliary’s officers are President Mikayla Doht, Secretary Nicole Rutar, and Treasure Jessica Bentley. They lead 45 active members who participate in and sponsor a variety of projects, including the following:
- Gift Shop
- Community Blood Bank
- Memorial Christmas Tree
- First Baby of the Year Gift
- Golf Tournament
- Cookie Walk at Christmas
- Basket Raffle
Proceeds from these projects are used to purchase equipment and provide other patient care items needed at all of the PCHD facilities.
If you would like to join the auxiliary in their efforts of supporting PCHD, please become a member. For more information on how to join, call 402-385-3083, leave your name and number and a member of the auxiliary team will contact you.