Janis Harrison, RN, BSN, CWOCN, CFCN
Janis Harrison, RN, BSN, C.W.O.C.N & C.F.C.N. is the owner of Harrison WOC Services, L.L.C. in Thurston, Nebraska. She works as an independent contractor of Wound, Ostomy, Continence, and Foot and Nail Care services for medical entities throughout Northeast Nebraska. Janis has over 30 years of experience as a nurse and 12 years as a CWOCN and CFCN.
She found her passion for wound care when her spouse was afflicted with many complications from four consecutively failed surgeries that involved his ostomy. Through this experience, it became obvious that rural Northeast Nebraska was in need of wound and ostomy nursing care. After her husband survived an additional nine surgeries, Janis enrolled and graduated from the Webwoc Nursing program. Jan and her husband have become very involved in the educational aspect of the WOC world.